Lysá hora 1323 m n. m. - královna Moravskoslezských Beskyd
Sunday 15. September 2024
City Museum and Gallery in Hranice [ Museum ]
";" City museum and gallery in Hranice ;/B>
This was established by Hranice Town as a contributory town organization with legal subjectivity to January 1, 1994 and with territorial jurisdiction in the Hranice area. The management of the museum operates from Masaryk Square No.71 (building of the former Town Hall) where are situated workplaces of the employees, reading-room and exhibition hall. Research days are not stated; visiting at anytime by arrangement from 8.00 till 16.00.
City Museum and Gallery:
- within the framework of its activities, it also provides archaeological supervision and rescue archaeological researches.
- two exhibition halls with whole-year-round operation.
Opening hours:
Tuesday - Saturday 9.00 ?12.30 and 13.00 ? 16.00,
Sunday 9.00 ? 12.30 and 13.00 ? 17.00
Closed Mondays.
This was established by Hranice Town as a contributory town organization with legal subjectivity to January 1, 1994 and with territorial jurisdiction in the Hranice area. The management of the museum operates from Masaryk Square No.71 (building of the former Town Hall) where are situated workplaces of the employees, reading-room and exhibition hall. Research days are not stated; visiting at anytime by arrangement from 8.00 till 16.00.
City Museum and Gallery:
- within the framework of its activities, it also provides archaeological supervision and rescue archaeological researches.
- two exhibition halls with whole-year-round operation.
Opening hours:
Tuesday - Saturday 9.00 ?12.30 and 13.00 ? 16.00,
Sunday 9.00 ? 12.30 and 13.00 ? 17.00
Closed Mondays.
Městská kulturní zařízení Hranice,p.o.
Masarykovo nám. 71
753 01 Hranice
Czechia (CZ)tel: (+420) 581 601 160
(+420) 581 601 186
fax: (+420) 581 601 604
- [ Synagogue ] Měšťanský dům čp. 728 s býv. synagogou [gps], 260.00 m.n.m.
- [ Town house or building ] Bývalá radnice čp. 71 [gps], 260.00 m.n.m.
- Synagogue [ Exhibition hall ] [gps], 260.00 m.n.m.
- Výstavní síň Stará radnice [ Exhibition hall ] [gps], 260.00 m.n.m.
- Historie Městského muzea a galerie v Hranicích [ History ]
- Propagační materiály [ Promotional material ]
- Street or locality: Masarykovo náměstí, č. 71
- Village or Town/City: Hranice
- District of Administration 2: Hranice
- District of Administration 3: Hranice
- Region NUTS 4: Okres Přerov
- Region NUTS 3: Olomoucký kraj
- Region NUTS 2: Střední Morava
- Tourist region: 36 Střední Morava - Haná
- Destination: Střední Morava
Type: Museum
LAST MODIFY: Petr Svoboda ( org. 56, 05.03.2015 v 17:17 hodin