Lysá hora 1323 m n. m. - královna Moravskoslezských Beskyd
Sunday 15. September 2024
Central Moravia [ Tourist Region ]
This picturesque region, which is known as "Hana” as far back as 16th century, includes above all a fertile area along the Morava and Hana Rivers. It features a local dialect, rich garbs and large farmsteads, which are built from unburnt and white rendered bricks.
A special gate known as "zudra” has often highlighted an entry to the farmstead. Rich folklore festivities take place here. The wood-highlands of Oderske and Hostynske vrchy gently rise in the east area of the region. The Chriby highland creates a gateway to Moravian Slovacko in the south and the circle of mountain ranges is completed with Drahanska Highland in the west. The region offers a large range of architectural highlights (among them ancient castles and rich chateaux and above all the UNESCO sights, such as the Gardens and the Chateau in Kromeriz, and the town of Olomouc), spa resorts, a number of natural sanctuaries, which are often located in the underground, such as the Javoricske, Mladecske and Zbrasovske Caves and the deepest abyss in the Czech Republic known as the Hranicka Abyss. Central Moravia is laced with stripes of tourist paths and is an ideal area for enthusiasts of cycling.(The Moravian and Amber Routes are included in the Euro-Velo Project.)
IT CONTENTS - REGION: A special gate known as "zudra” has often highlighted an entry to the farmstead. Rich folklore festivities take place here. The wood-highlands of Oderske and Hostynske vrchy gently rise in the east area of the region. The Chriby highland creates a gateway to Moravian Slovacko in the south and the circle of mountain ranges is completed with Drahanska Highland in the west. The region offers a large range of architectural highlights (among them ancient castles and rich chateaux and above all the UNESCO sights, such as the Gardens and the Chateau in Kromeriz, and the town of Olomouc), spa resorts, a number of natural sanctuaries, which are often located in the underground, such as the Javoricske, Mladecske and Zbrasovske Caves and the deepest abyss in the Czech Republic known as the Hranicka Abyss. Central Moravia is laced with stripes of tourist paths and is an ideal area for enthusiasts of cycling.(The Moravian and Amber Routes are included in the Euro-Velo Project.)
- Region NUTS 2: Střední Morava
- Nákupy
- Místopis
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- Archeologie
- Wellness a fitness
- Židovské památky
- Cirkev a náboženství
- Potravinářská výroba a služby
- Sociální služby a neziskový sektor
- Media a propagace
- Hrady a zámky
- Sportovní aktivity
- Folklor a tradice
- Kultura
- Poznávací cestovní ruch
- Ubytování
- Obchod a služby
- Průmyslová výroba
- Vinařství a víno
- Úřady a instituce
- Vzdělávání
- Informační služby
- Technická pamětihodnost
- Vesnické zajímavosti a agroturistika
- Organizace, sdružení a spolky
- Společnost
- Mapy
- Turistika a volný čas
- Bankovnictví a finanční služby
- Městský nebo obecní úřad
- Státní správa
- Catering
- Czech Tourists Club
- Public Health
- Transport
Type: Tourist Region
LAST MODIFY: uživatel č. 685 org. 2, 15.11.2004 v 12:09 hodin